Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cindy's list

1. Titanic
2. Pirates of the Caribbean (All)
3. It's a Wonderful Life
4. Somewhere in Time
5. Lord of the Rings (All)
6. Fantasia
7. Raider's of the Lost Ark (All)
8. The Sound of Music (first saw it on a field trip with my Girl Scout troop)
9. 2001: A Space Odyssey
10. Casablanca
11. Groundhog Day
12. Back to the Future (All)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Doreen's list

These may sound like odd choices, but whatever. In no particular order:

- When Harry Met Sally
The dialog, the interaction, the friendship, the perfect ordering food method, and especially for this line: "I'm difficult."

- The Outsiders
All those dreamy greasers!

- Grease
This was my "High School Musical."

- Anything by Pixar
Yes, I have seen them multiple times

- Tampopo
Food and sex. What else is there to life?

- The Princess Bride
"My name is Inigo Montoya. You keeeled my father. Prepare to die."

- Pricilla Queen of the Desert
Fancy dresses, ABBA music, and the Aussie outback.

- The Breakfast Club
"Outsiders" the next generation

- The Joy Luck Club
Mom/daughter guilt at its best. Never fails to make me sob.

- Tim Burton's the Nightmare Before Christmas
One of the best soundtracks

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bonnie's List

Like some others:
- The African Queen
- Casablanca
- High Noon
- Forrest Gump
- Shawshank Redemption
- 6th Sense
Unlike some others:
- Princess Bride
- Galaxy Quest
- Waking Ned Divine
- The Magnificent Seven

Sunday, January 11, 2009


My Top 12 Movie List
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Blade Runner
4. Shawshank Redemption
5. O' Brother Where Art Thou?
6. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
7. Raging Bull
8. The Great Escape
9. Fargo
10. The Bourne Ultimatum
11. Punch-Drunk Love
12. Goodfellas
Honorable Mention
1. The Interview (Australian 1998)
2. The Professional
3. Blast from the Past
4. Magnolia
5. Groundhog Day
6. Godfather
7. Apocalypse Now
8. Forrest Gump
9. School of Rock
10. Platoon
11. True Romance

John's List

(not in any order)

Fellini remembers his childhood in a small Italian town in the 1930's.
Lone Star
Who did kill Sheriff Charlie Wade in the small Texas border town?
Five Easy Pieces
Robert Dupea (Jack Nicholson) is a gifted pianist who drops out to work in the southern California oil fields.
Jean de Florette/Manon of the Spring (two movies but one story)
Jean de Florette (Gerard Depardieu) inherits a farm but loses it (and his life) to greedy neighbors when they secretly plug up his only water well. Years later, his beautiful, grown daughter Manon gets her revenge and the farm back.
High Noon
Marshall Will Kane (Gary Cooper) faces the bad guys alone, except of course, with his new pacifist bride (Grace Kelley).
American Graffiti
I remember where I was in '62.
A Very Long Engagement
A young woman (Audrey Tautou) searches the entire movie for her fiancée, who is MIA during World War I.
Days of Heaven
Two transient workers Bill (Richard Gere) and his girlfriend Abby (Brooke Adams) flee a murder in Chicago to the Texas Panhandle, where Abby fakes her love for a rich, dying farmer (Sam Shepard), hoping she will inherit his wealth. Things get complicated when Abby falls in love with the farmer, and his health suddenly improves. Academy Award for Best Cinematography.

Honorable Mention

The Secret of Roan Inish and other movies by by John Sayles (who also directed Lone Star)
Shawshank Redemption
Gates of Heaven, Vernon, Florida, and other documentaries by Errol Morris
And Now My Love (Toute une vie in France)
A petty, lovable criminal searches the entire movie for what he has been told will be his true love, a girl who uses three lumps of sugar in her coffee.
Bread and Chocolate
Nino (Nino Manfredi) endures loneliness and prejudice when travels from southern Italy to Switzerland to work as a migrant "guest worker," to earn money for his family back home.
Fargo, Blood Simple, Barton Fink, and other movies by the Coen brothers
Grizzly Man, Fitzcarraldo (Werner Herzog)
Food movies: Tampopo, Babette's Feast
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Macbeth (Roman Polanski's version)
Soldier of Orange
When the Germans invade the Netherlands in 1940, six university students make different choices: resistance fighter, Nazi collaborator, soldier, and student (thus avoiding the war altogether). A story of courage, betrayal, heroism, idealism, and survival. Directed by Paul Verhoeven (who also did RoboCop in the US).

Guilty Pleasures (in memory of the Siskel & Ebert show)

A Fistfull of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, High Plains Drifter

Camden's List

1. Apocalypse Now!
I will never have the same reverence for another movie that I have for this one.

2. Finding Nemo
This is a movie about family, which I enjoy.

3-5. The original Star Wars Trilogy.
The greatest story ever told.

6. The Lion King
[Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick]
Simba: Ow! Jeez, what was that for?
Rafiki: It doesn't matter. It's in the past.
Simba: Yeah, but it still hurts.
Rafiki: Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it.

7. Spirited Away
Miyazaki is a master story-teller. This is my favorite.

8. The Tailor of Gloucester
This was a made-for-tv animated Christmas adaptation of a Beatrix Potter by a book of the same name. Quite frankly, it is amazing.

Runners Up:
Go For Broke
Monster's Inc
Princess Mononoke
Howl's Moving Castle
Beauty & The Beast
The Little Mermaid

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dixie's List

  1. Shakespeare in Love
    Way more fun than Shakespeare.
  2. 6th Sense
    Perfect timing, terrifying visuals. Performances so subtle the whole movie feels like silk.
  3. Chocolate
    Sensual, mystical, French. Johnny Depp! Makes you want to fall in love. And eat.
  4. Groundhog Day
    Buddhism, anyone? Bill Murray, over and over.
  5. Wall-E
    Pixar outdoes itself.
  6. Brother, Where Art Thou?
    Ulysees in racist-era south. Who thought this up? Perhaps the Coen Brothers' idea of a romantic comedy.
  7. The Shawshank Redemption
    This guy hangs tough. Grim, elegant, and uplifting.
  8. Ordinary People
    Movie perfection.
    Intense family drama, not for escapists.
  9. Crash
    The challenge of being (painfully) human. Hits the bullseye when you least expect it.
  10. Postcards From the Edge
    Mother-daughter bonding in drugs, black humor, show biz.
  11. Casablanca
  12. Chinatown
    The sinister rise of post-war Los Angeles. My favorite noir in color. Plus L.A. Confidential, Body Heat.
Oh, No, But What About ... ?
  • Double Indemnity
    My favorite noir in black and white. Barb, Fred, and Edward G., all playing against type. Don't forget The Third Man.
  • I.Q.
    Albert Einstein makes match.
  • Desperately Seeking Susan
    Amnesia, mistaken identity, magician, lovers. Sounds like Shakespeare!
  • The Empire Strikes Back
    Yoda rocks.
  • All About Eve
    Bette Davis and gang. Conniving, careering, hubris, love.
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
    Hard to describe...
  • Benny and Joon
    Who says you have to have all your marbles to be in love?
  • Bull Durham
    It Happened One Night, with baseball. And sex.
Guilty Pleasures...
Strictly Ballroom
The Terminator
Miss Congeniality
Knocked Up

Greg's List!

  1. Wizard of Oz
  2. Seven Samurai
  3. Casablanca
  4. Ikiru ("To live.")
  5. The African Queen
  6. Shawshank Redemption
  7. Forrest Gump
  8. Groundhog Day
  9. ET
  10. On the Waterfront
  11. Green Mile
  12. The Graduate

Honorable Mention:

Princess Mononoke
Das Boot