Friday, January 9, 2009

Greg's List!

  1. Wizard of Oz
  2. Seven Samurai
  3. Casablanca
  4. Ikiru ("To live.")
  5. The African Queen
  6. Shawshank Redemption
  7. Forrest Gump
  8. Groundhog Day
  9. ET
  10. On the Waterfront
  11. Green Mile
  12. The Graduate

Honorable Mention:

Princess Mononoke
Das Boot


  1. Only 1 romantic comedy? (Groundhog Day) You are one serious dood.

  2. 1st of all, dude is spelled dude not dood. 2nd of call, Casablanca and The African Queen are the greatest romance films ever--though not comedies. 3rdly, you only have 2, one of which may knock off one of my top twelve. Chocolat is a fantasy, not, technically, a comedy.

  3. Well, now that I've seen John D's list, yours looks downright frothy. I take it back. Dewd.

    Have you seen Ben Hur lately?
